
Sinn Bodhi Seminar and pictures

Sinn Bodhi Seminar and pictures

The students had a great time at the Sinn Bodhi Seminar. Sinn Bodhi didnt talk about the same old thing, we got a an inside look at the creative thought process that makes him and his wrestling so unique. It’s easy to say wrestle smarter not harder, to slow things down. But Bodhi gave a great insight of how it’s done and so much more. It’s a pity only the 4 Week old students showed up to absorb his vast knowledge of the Pro Wrestling business. Far too often Pro Wrestlers get complacent and would rather be big fish in the very small pond of Southern California Pro Wrestling. You gotta want to be a GO GETTER. This business is what we make of it. Be the difference. Become a student of the game, NEVER stop learning and do what you have to do to make it happen.” If you want it bad enough, you will find a way, if you don’t you’ll find an excuse.”







